...the more I realize how little I have read.
I find it both overwhelming and at the same time oddly comforting that I could never ever possibly run out of books to read. I haven't done the research on how many new fiction books are published each year, but I am sure it's a lot. Add that number to all the book lists of "Books Everyone Should Read" and all the classics that are required for school and all the fabulous books out there that have been in rotation since Gutenberg and his awesome printing press and, of course unfortunately, all the terribly awful books that are touted the world over that just make you want to scream because they wasted hours and hours of your life where you just kept hoping it would redeem itself, but alas, you waded through it and it was a dud. Who can tell, unless they read through those as well?
Furthermore, all the children's books out there that are discovered now that I am a parent that I am amazed that I somehow missed out on as a child, introducing those to my children is a pure delight.
I must admit however, I am becoming somewhat obsessed about fitting in more reading time in my life now because I have a feeling that all things literary (and otherwise not children involved) will be put on hiatus once our new little person arrives. This is slightly frightening to me. I somehow found time to read while breast feeding and while the baby napped when the others arrived, but this one poses a threat to me because now I have two other children that are starting to lead busier lives and as Mama, I am responsible to bathe, dress, feed and drive them about all the while tending to New Baby also. As opposed as I have been to the idea in the past, I am thinking that Audio Books are going to make a brief appearance in my very near future.
Does that still count? I am hoping so...