It seems to me, that children spend a great deal of time wanting to grow up and do what they want and when grown, most adults wish they were children again, or at least act like they are younger than they are and do everything they can to stay young. America is an increasingly youth driven society. Crazed by it. Fifty years ago, were women lining up around the corner at the "Good Doctor's" office for botox, butt implants, boob lift, lipo, and whatever else they do now? I wonder, but I really don't think it was a focus. I am all for self improvement and if I had the money, I would probably be one of the first in line waiting for any number of improvements on my problem areas. Conversely, shouldn't we embrace what is ours and just enjoy the moment for what it is? I know, I know, I can say this now because I am 28 years old, but is being young really all that great? I can't help but think that people look down upon the young and yet they want to be one of them. We look up to the elderly for their wisdom and yet fear becoming them. We live in this crazy catch-22 of our minds and in society. Will it never end? I am the biggest culprit, so I am not pointing any fingers. I need to hear this to make myself feel better, in the least which is why I am writing it.
Embrace the moment and what is in front of you. This moment is only here now and then, truly in a breathe, it is gone. What are you living for? What is it that you have always wanted to do and haven't done yet? Live. Do it. As my looks start to go (and don't get on my case, I know I have a baby face and porcelain skin, but I see my flaws facing me in the mirror every day just like everyone else does), and my eyes start to strain, and the weight doesn't want to come off like it used to, what else do I have? A lot! Being young isn't everything. It's what you do with the life you have. It seems best to stop getting hung up in the little things that snag on us on a daily basis and focus on and enjoy, even if they are small and few and brief, those moments that give our life it's meaning.
One of my favorite quotes is from Ralph Waldo Emerson- "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)
Let us ignore our blunders and absurdities. Do what my mother taught me and "Celebrate the moment!" Young, old, in between, whatever, don't let the nonsense get you down.
And I leave you with a catchy little song that helps me along...
Wonderful!! All of your words are so very true! Reminds me of what you told me during a recent conversation when I was having my own "low moment" (a.k.a. "the mean reds" - Audrey Hepburn). You said to me, "You are you." Very simple, but very true. That one has stuck with me. I am thankful to have you in my life, friend! I say, "Bring on old age"...we'll laugh at it and celebrate the moments together!
ReplyDeleteP.S. LOVE Cat Stevens and love this song! :)
WOW Jennifer, you have such wisdom!!!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder where I learned such things, MOM!!
ReplyDeleteMy My My but you do wax philisophicly poetically (sp is not correct.. so give me grace.)
ReplyDeleteI really dig your groove... like Totally Tublar and familuarly functional too....