Sunday, April 12, 2009

Does a Rose WITHOUT a Name Smell as Sweet?

Naming a character for a novel, or play, or short story, or anything for that matter, seems to me to be quite difficult as names mean so many things and carry a lot with them. What about a book where the characters are left unnamed? Is that possible? Sure. It would be wordy as the characters would have to be identified somehow, but with no true name given.... hmmm.

So many iconic figures in literature are unnamed and it fascinates me:

The Man with the Yellow Hat... Curious George
Frankenstein's Creation... Frankenstein
The Woman at the Well... The Holy Bible
Sam's Friend... Green Eggs and Ham

Can anyone think of any others?


  1. The title character of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man!

  2. Okay. Whew. I just caught up reading your whole blog from the beginning, so here is my non-stalker comment. lol. I loved reading it and hearing the way your mind work and laughing about your neighbors/victims. Btw, don't feel too bad, you don't weight 300 pounds, get up for snacks in the middle of the night and do something that must have been jump roping? [that summarizes our upstairs neighbors from our apts. back in the day].

    This is an interesting post and would require a lot of thought before I could come up with something. I love to read, but I have noticed that I read for shallow escape, not for depth. When I read for depth it is typically a self help/instructional book by Dr. Dobson, Dr. Laura, or a teaching book on photography.

  3. Hmmm...good question!!

    From a book:
    The Cat in the Hat..."The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Suess

    And I'll go one step further...

    From a song:
    Tiny Dancer...from Elton John's song "Tiny Dancer"


  4. Good question! Here's what I've got:
    --most of the Dr. Seuss books
    --all of the Sandra Boyton books I can think of (i.e. But Not the Hippopotamus, Moo, Baa, La, La, La, etc.)
    --Guess How Much I Love You's Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare (descriptive, yes; names, not so much)

    I'll have to think about adult books...

  5. Underground Man ... Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky.. Haven't read that one but I just noticed when reading about it.

  6. believe me, I feel for is on the way!
