Monday, June 15, 2009

The Magic Maker

Five minutes ago, I was twelve, in junior high school and had big, big plans. I woke up this morning and I am twenty-eight years old and my life is pretty much set in stone; some portions of it anyway. Ah well, life is a crazy funny tornado of time, isn't it?

My son started walking a few days ago.

My daughter finished her first year of pre-school last week.

The kids are getting older which means more fun than ever and more work than ever. It also means, we are getting older, too, but I try not to focus on that part! One revelation I've come to within the past few years and another hat I believe that mothers wear is that of Magic Maker. We create the magic. We make the good times roll. It doesn't just happen, you know?! Summer fun? Gotta create the magic! Christmas? The presents do not wrap themselves, nor have I found self baking cookies! Vacations? No one plans those for us! We have to do it ourselves?!!! I know all this may seem self evident, but if your mom and/or dad were truly wonderful Magic Makers, then I don't think you should have noticed the seems of life until now. So, this is really a compliment to my parents, my own personal Magic Makers. I had no idea, but now I do and it's just a new side of the fun, this behind the scenes Magic Making.

Summer Fun Magic Making has commenced. Big, big plans of beach trips, walking to the park, Treadwell's ice cream over at Smolak Farms, and who knows what else. We have always talked of taking a real live family vacation... oh my! The possibilities! So now, I am twenty-eight years old and I have big, big plans. They just have taken a slight twist. I think I kinda like my Magic Maker Hat...


  1. Yes, time goes by very fast some how the older we get BUT it is soooo much fun to have had those moments in time with you growing up and now with my grandchildren. Life can not get better than that.

  2. I think you are a fabulous magic maker!!! and I cannot believe he is walking and she finished pre school!!!!! aahhhh time does fly!!!

  3. You are not only the Magic Maker.... but the beautiful assistant who aids the Magic Maker! (And every Magic Maker needs a beautiful assistant!)

  4. Here's to summer craziness and good times!
