Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Confessions of Notorious Dieter

Yes, I am one of them. You know, one of those New Year's Resolution Dieters. Every year I start out with the best of intentions and I seem to end every year in the same spot I was in at the beginning of the year and in some cases, such as this particular year, I am ending it significantly heavier than the when I began.

I could type up a laundry list of excuses as to what occurred this year and blame my weight gain on all of them and then some, but I would rather not dredge up my inconsistencies and my personal failures and commiserate with you all concerning them. No, let's just let the past lie in the past and learn from our mistakes and make new goals and determine to work on them in the present. That's my plan.

As of January 2nd (I choose that date because January 1st is when you clean everything out and go vegetable shopping), I am going to give The South Beach Diet a whirl. I have tried other diets in the past and have met with a measure of success, but at this juncture I really feel I need to abstain from carbohydrates. Oh I have come to see that I am a massive carb junkie, as much as I hate to admit, I most certainly recognize it and I know that I do much better on lean proteins and vegetables. So, that's what the South Beach Diet is and it lays out weekly eating plans with daily menus and recipes which set up as a first step to cleanse one of the carb addiction. I need structure. This gives it to me.

So, that's Phase 1. That and exercise. I've got that covered, too. We have a Wii fit and I have a slew of exercise videos and I will not sit down to put my hand to a thing until I have gotten in my alloted exercise for the day. I would exercise in the morning, but that just won't happen as I don't see myself getting out of bed any earlier than I already do. Furthermore, fitting it in when the children are awake would be ridiculously futile as even during nap times I am jumping up every ten minutes to put them BACK into nap time. So there it is.

And in spite of my optimism that I conjure every year, the thoughts in my head, "The best laid plans of mice and men..."

And my counter thought, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

So, here's hoping my planning pans out for the best.

That's all for now.

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