Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Hate Wagons

We all know about "The Wagon" and we are all either on one, off one or mid tumble. I am mid tumble and I guess tomorrow I need to climb my chubby bum back up on this wagon of mine.

Yet another life lesson learned. What came easily ten years ago, does not come easily now. What worked ten years ago, does not seem to work now. Am I doomed to be a chubby woman the rest of my days alive on this earth? Good God Almighty, I hope not.

When Andrew and I first got married he used to tease me relentlessly about my little philosophy of "everything is re-evaluated in the morning." On evenings before our days off together, we would talk about how the next day "held so much promise" and we planned on waking up early and getting list after list of things done. We would prepare for the coming week and just talking about it, making a plan seemed just as good as ACTUALLY carrying it out. The next morning would come, "Doo doo doo!! The day has arrived," the little alarm clock seemed to sing to us, and would we actually go through with our productive plans? I don't recall anything ever really going completely as we had painstakingly planned because Andrew would always hit the snooze button and then ask me if we were really going to get out of bed and I would almost always say with my face still buried deep into the pillow, "Everything is re-evaluated in the morning." Off we were back to our slumber and when we finally rolled out of our apartment at noon or so, we got a few things done, but let's face it, we liked our sleep (oh the days before children arrived!!) and we enjoyed our leisure just as much as making plans and not carrying them out. This doesn't work anymore.

Missing a workout here and there and enjoying a late night pizza-fest wasn't a big deal at that time. Now, it's major damage. It's not just a re-evaluated dinner, it completely constitutes an official "fall off the wagon" status. Which means there needs to be a "climbing back on the wagon." I am still struggling at the ten pound mark and have a ways to go. At least it's something. Maybe I should re-evaluate my diet. If I can't seem to stay on the plan I have picked, does that mean perhaps, I should choose something to suit my needs and personality and eating tendencies a little better? Or does that mean that I have used my Re-evaluation Philosophy to my own detriment and health? I really can't say. Maybe a little bit of both?

Either way, I hate this wagon. Climbing back on it is a b****. (Forgive the *****, but that's how I feel)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn!!!

    I really like reading your blog!!! You make me laugh and I love to hear what is going on in your life!!!

    Don't worry about the wagon..... good job on the 10 pounds!!! That is awesome! Focus on that!!! And just because you "fall off the wagon" don't throw the "baby in with the bath water" As learning from experience, this year has been the start of a very different journey for me. I have lost almost 40 pounds- give or take 2 pounds depending on the day and I could easily let frustration give way to progress but I go back to the good choices I have made even when there is a day that I "fall of the wagon"..... but if you're on a journey you really never "fall of the wagon" you just temporarily join a different wagon and then resume with the wagon you left off with.....( just a thought) But the biggest lesson I have learned is that it is a lifestyle change and some days are better than others which is ok. Just take the judgement off of food and off yourself and watch and see how much better you feel. Think of it more matter of fact...... and reward yourself with other things for each milestone other than! A hard thing to reprogram but I know you can do it!!! Pick one thing to change and do that for a week.... then add something else and so on and so on.

    And to answer your question, you are not a chubby woman nor are you doomed!!!! (Haha) If you want to chat anytime I'm here! Love you!
