Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall-ish Things & Thankfulness

The crisp air of fall has arrived and unfortunately I have upped my caffeine consumption to dangerous levels at which a breastfeeding mother should not be (don't judge me! I fully abstained with the first two children and look where THAT got me!), but Little One seems to be thriving and sleeps more than the other two did at this age. She is almost sleeping through the night- one of the things for which I am eternally grateful!

So fall is here and the Holiday Season has begun. I have eaten more than my fair share of the children's Halloween candy and should probably throw it away before the next round of treats and candy comes through for Christmas and I end up in April with bags and piles and start throwing things away in a fit of rage at myself because in order to save the children from the candy, I end up consuming it when I definitely should NOT. A bite here and there, but I'm feeling like Elaine from Seinfeld when she starts jonesing for sugar in the afternoons because of all the office parties at work... that's me, but all day long because I know there is a massive bag of chocolate here. Where did the will power go? Out the window with my Before-Children body.

Which leads me to the things for which I am eternally grateful...

My ever patient and kind husband who, for the most part, thinks my view on things and my antics are amusing. Every encouraging and I hear at least once a day, "Oh my GOSH, Jenn! Where do you come up with this craziness!?" and "I hope you are writing all this down..." Such a wonderful man and I could not breathe without him.

Three beautiful, happy, and healthy children who, while it drives me completely batty, refuse to go to bed and wake up at ridiculous hours because, in my opinion, they are so bursting with life, sleep and rest cannot contain their energies!

Family and friends who support us and love us and forgive us all our short-comings and laugh along with us as we maneuver through our journey,

I could go on, but the kids have been up for the past hour and a half and I am hearing thumpings and bumpings and I believe the semi-peacefulness of the morning has come to end. Off I must go to reign things back in,,,

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