Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Balancing Act

So how do you do it?

This whole Balancing Act of Motherhood, I mean. Because frankly, I don't feel that I balance very well. I am aware of my tendency to sacrifice myself at the altar of my family and children and friends. The last time I had my hair done was in July... It's simple math so I will let you count the months. Yes, it's March and I just went this past Friday. I'm not going to tell you how long it's been since I had a check up. And I don't say that like I'm proud. It's obviously a huge problem because how can I be a healthy well rounded, adjusted mother if I'm, well, not?

Between the drop offs and pick ups, meals and snacks, dishes, laundry, baths, homework, story times, parties, church, diaper changes, help with hair and teeth brushing, general tidying, not to mention the outings to the market and the odd snafus of skinned knees, paper cuts, squabbles, ripped books to be taped, tears to be wiped, spills to be sopped up, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum... I guess I just don't see where I am supposed to take a shower, dress and make up my face and hair, exercise, date my husband, go to the doctor, get my hair done, eat right and not bits of hot dog and cheese left on the cutting board (yes, I am aware of how gross it is, but you know you do it, too!), and again, not to mention all the fun hobbies in life that make it worthwhile, outings with my girl friends, and I cannot even fathom a real live job (kudos to my fellow Mommies who have that thrown into the mix)!

So. I pose this question in all earnestness: How DO YOU do it?

Maybe that balance of it is just that right now is the portion of life where the scales are just naturally tipped in favor of Others and my Self will just have to wait for a while? I keep telling myself that in order to make myself feel better.

"Oh, you are missing all these movies now, but when they are older and all in school, you will get to go whenever you'd like!"

"I am sure once my kids are grown I'll have nothing to do but go get my hair and nails done, anyway, so I might as well enjoy my ponytail and sweats with my baby on my hip as an excuse!"

It makes me feel a tad better, but I know it doesn't seem completely right. I do give myself an hour at nap time, if I  can, to have some Me Time and I try to get as much done during the day so that way when the kids are in bed at night, I don't have to always be doing dishes and schlepping laundry in the night, too. I mean, I am a Stay at Home Mom, not a Robot Maid, right?!

So what steps do you take in order to keep yourself, your marriage, your kids and your life in general all on an even playing field? Or maybe you also are facing the same Un Balanced Act that I am?

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