Friday, October 9, 2009


This year has escaped me. I am not sure if anyone else feels that way, but I remember that "just trying to make it through" in 2008, that I was so relieved to see 2009 and had ideas and projects and grand hopes and POOF!! I woke up five minutes ago and it's almost mid October and holiday planning is underway and we all know how fast this season goes and looking back, I don't think I really achieved one thing I had planned this year. Oh yes, a ton of changes occurred and events, well, happened, but nothing went as planned and nothing I wanted to do, got done.

It's not that I didn't try anything new or just sat around twiddling my thumbs all year, because I didn't. I was super busy just trying to stay afloat in each situation. Which is really no way to live. If there is anything I have learned this year, it is this: we cannot let our circumstances dictate how we are going to live our lives. I feel as though this past year swallowed me up and is just now spitting me out. Frankly, I don't care for that and if I can help it at all, I refuse to let it happen again.

Lessons learned and maybe it's just that this happens sometimes in life where time just kinda eats itself and we find ourselves elsewhere picking up the pieces, but I don't want this to snow ball and to wake up at seventy-five and sigh. So, in efforts to take control and make me a better me and 2010 a better year, I am resolved.

I am resolved not to let petty disappointments ruin my ambitions.

I am resolved to live as I intend to live, not how I think that others think I should be living.

I am resolved to be myself and not some version of myself that I think others want me to be.

I am resolved to live without regret.

I am resolved to find peace and joy in every situation I find myself in regardless of surrounding circumstances.

I resolve to be a better example to my children in all things; in health and patience and kindness and love.

Yes, I am resolved, about three months early, but it seems they way things are going, getting a handle on things way too early seems to be much better than learning a hard lesson way too late...

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! I must disagree, though. I remember a convo with you after we both read The Last Lecture and you have definitely achieved many of your goals. I know because I watched in awe as you did it and thought to myself, "My friend is truly amazing!!" At the same time I also thought, "And, I need a swift kick in the pants."

    You are an inspiration to me, my friend! Thank you for helping me to find me "zen place." Heh heh! And, thank you for always "talking me down" before some people really got hurt. LOL!!!!

    So, here's to being resolved three months ahead of the game! And, here's to a wondrous, fun-filled, "leave-the-drama-for-your-mama" 2010. I am so glad you are my friend and we get to experience it all together!

    DIlla :)
