Monday, September 24, 2012

It's Fall And We All Know What That Means

All I can think about are books. It's fall and that's just where my mind goes. Books and warm baked yummy things and coffee and chocolate. 

I want to sit and bake and read and then eat what I've baked while reading and sipping a mocha. And these kids keep cramping my style! What? You can't dress yourself, make your own breakfast and walk by yourself to school? No? Fine... I guess my reading/baking/sipping plans will just have to hold off for, oh, I don't know, another four years until the newest child is waltzing into the school doors... And of course that is all contingent on if she is to be our last child. But for now, I've got four years until I have enough free moments to string together to actually put my baking/reading/sipping plan into motion. 

So until then, my nights are filled with stacks of books that seem to grow because I can't ever get through them fast enough because time seems to get more and more limited the older I get. Huh. Who's got time to even procrastinate anymore? If I don't do something, it's either because I don't have time or I flat out forgot, not that I've put it off. And if I've forgotten, it's because I'm busy taking care of my children and thinking about all the books I want to read later when they are in bed. 

Like I mentioned before, I'm reading I Still Dream About You and am just about done. I began The Quiet American  a little bit ago and that's on deck and I'm half way through The Stand which I put aside earlier this year and I am itching to finish it. King has such compelling stories and memorable characters it's a wonder I was able to set it aside for so long, but seeing as how it's fall and I can't get through a fall without reading something of his, this one it is! Also, I won a copy of one of my favorite author's new book, Jennifer Weiner's The Next Best Thing and it's been sitting on the coffee table just staring me in the face everyday (not that I sit at the coffee table all day long and stare). So, those are just a few of the ones that I've got floating about next to me at this point. 

What about you? I love to keep the stacks of books high and the lists far too long, so if anyone is reading and would like to pop a comment on any and all things books, I would love to hear! 

Put on a pot of coffee and grab a paperback and join me! 

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