Saturday, September 22, 2012

You're Not Hard Core Until...

I was up before dawn this morning. I was trying very hard to make sure that I was prepared for what I understood to be my son's soccer picture day. Practice starts at 9 and I had the impression that to be prepared for pictures, you needed to be there a half hour early. I had had about a string of fifteen or so emails concerning all things soccer for the older two who are enrolled that my husband has been forwarding to me because he is the athletics point person in our home and I am most obviously not.

As we know all things fall upon me when he is out of town, so I was barking orders left and right and gelling hair and making sure that gear was on properly and teeth were brushed and I had snacks for the little one and told the oldest one to bring books, just in case.

We hustled out of the house by 8:15 and hightailed it to the field across town so as to be right on time. I was somewhat impressed with my self.

I pulled in.

It was deserted.

It's was cool and misty out, but I was under the impression it was to burn off and it wasn't pouring and I had not received any communication concerning anything being cancelled.

So, stuck in a deserted parking lot of a deserted soccer field in a car with two bickering kids and a screaming teething child, I am scrolling through all kinds of emails and trying to reach my husband, when I find it- My son's picture day is NEXT SATURDAY. My daughter's picture day was to be today, but that wasn't until 11:30.

Still wondering if there is even practice today, we sit and Mommy endures as much of it all as she can when at about 8:48, people start rolling in.

At least, we were on time for practice and he had a successful go of it this time. Except for his chucking the ball directly at his friend's head- point blank. That ball bounced HARD off of that poor little man's noggin with a thud and he just smiled and when my son apologized, he said, "That's ok! It didn't really hurt!"These kids are hard core.

PS- Yeah, we're not doing the whole picture thing this season. Completely stressed me out and if we survive this go, we will do it in the spring, thank you very much.

And to all a goodnight.

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