How many ice creams can children eat in a day and still burn off the sugar rush in enough time to sleep at a decent hour?
The answer is two and space them about four hours apart. And then make them run in circles afterwards, but not so much that they vomit or anything.
I hope I'm not about to jinx this whole thing and now I've got that John Mayer song running through my head, "Don't believe me, when I say, 'I've got this down.'" We are over the halfway hump and it feels easier. It's comforting to know I have a week filled with plans for activities with friends and outings and story-times and shows in the park, free bowling coupons, church events, you name it and it's on the calendar. So, this is all just the downhill roll, I hope, believe and pray until my husband returns.
Maybe that's why I'm starting to think this isn't so hard because I can feel the end coming. That or maybe I'm just becoming completely delusional from sleep deprivation and am having a mild heat stroke. Either way, I'm starting to get excited and plan for all the fun stuff we get to fit in between his regular and MUCH SHORTER trips. See, it's all perspective! A week long trip to Europe, bah! No problem!
My husband mentioned that this trip seems so much more difficult than ever before. Well, this is the first uber long stretch with three children, we've just moved and the kids are on summer vacation. It's a trifecta of craziness. But things are going... We keep trucking along and having fun as we can and tomorrow is a new day! And all my sweet Mommy friends are in the same Summer Time boat. Gotta keep those kids learning, happy and MOVING!
On to the next.
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