Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Vanishing Act- Day 16

It was all for the best but all of our big plans today didn't pan out. We made it to Item #2 on the list and there was, of course, an incident and Mommy hightailed everyone out of there before she crumbled in complete mortification.

Whatever possesses these children to do half of the things that they do, I will never understand.

My husband doesn't quite understand this, but one of my coping mechanisms is The Vanishing Act. In all honesty, when my kids act up, I get EMBARRASSED! It's not that my face is red because I'm angry with my child, I get upset when they make terrible decisions, but frankly, I want to vanish when things go awry. There is nothing WORSE than having to drag your child across a playground to complete strangers to apologize to a crying child and parent that you don't know. Some parents are gracious and I am thankful that my children have only treated their children badly...? That doesn't sound right, but I am not looking forward to the day when they pick on the wrong child and then MOMMY is going to have to get the earful from some not-so-gracious parent. We all know what's going to happen then: Mommy will cry. THAT will be embarrassing. Lord, spare me, I beg of you!

My plan is always the same: when things start to go wrong and before they can get any wronger, let's get out there! Fast!

My husband got a slight taste of this a few weeks ago when we all went to a birthday party for one of our son's pre-school mates. It was a pool party and we forgot the floaties. So, first there was the Jump In- you know when a fearless child (my son) just jumps into a body of water and then the fully clothed adult (my husband) has to jump in directly after in order to save the child. Since I wasn't alone and my sweet husband was ok with being in the water in his shorts, we stayed. Then there was a tantrum. Then there was a head-butt leaving my husband with a fat bloody lip at which point I asked if we should just do The Vanishing Act. Nope, he said, no... Then there was another tantrum and when my husband was in the bathroom, there was a second Jump In when Mommy was holding the baby and so another father had to fish my son out of the pool, when he subsequently threw up. When my husband comes out of the bathroom what does he find outside? Two crying children, a pre-school father graciously holding my baby girl and a crazed Mommy (me) trying to hose off vomit from the hosts deck as they begin to sing Happy Birthday across the yard to the birthday girl... This was on a good day when we were fully manned as United Parents. This is why I do The Vanishing Act.

I'm pretty sure we all do this... Right?

Anyways, they had a pretty decent afternoon at home, so for that I am grateful.

Bring on Day 15.

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