Monday, July 9, 2012

Little Robots and a Sunburn

Given the nature of my children, most children really, the best way to combat their craziness, if you will, is insane activity. 

Today, we were up at 5:40-ish. 

General morning things such as playing and taking the dog out and breakfast and packing up for the day's outing (wait, those are mostly Mommy duties) are expected, then the day begins. 

We left our home a little past 9am and headed to Silver Lake in Wilmington. 

We played, splashed, made friends, had numerous time outs, ate lunch, dug up sand, collected rocks, chased little fish, you name it. 

Came back home where, in order for Mommy to get dinner ready and laundry going, a movie was in order- Mary Poppins which is about 2 hours. Popcorn and all. 

There was the wash down- unfortunately most of us have slight sun burns here and there, fortunately for myself and the children, I am the worst off. If it had been one of the kids, they would have been insufferable, so thankfully it was me and I really don't mind in the least. 

Dinner and then a bike ride to the library which began an hour before story time and turned into a rebellious little jaunt in the park that required a return ride home and then another walk back in time for story time and then the subsequent walk back.

Ok. My point in laying out my entire day is this- Does it sound exhausting? Wouldn't you expect a sleeping child the second their head finally collides with their pillow? 

The boy child is still tossing and turning in his bed. I usually hang around upstairs until I'm sure they are asleep, but this was getting ridiculous. The girls are out cold, but him? Ha! 

If I wasn't absolutely positively sure he was a human being, I would almost believe that he might be part cyborg... Really. 

At least I'm getting in my exercise! 

Signing off on Day 18.

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