Monday, August 6, 2012

I Will Gladly Pay You Tuesday For a Hamburger Today

As is always the way, I spent a whole day cooking last week in order to have food ready for the weekend and this week and I've had to send some over to my parents' house. Did I make too much? No. The kids didn't like it. Of course.

I purposely made beef in the crockpot the way Meme makes it (because they've eaten that!) and I went to the trouble to make a huge casserole dish of scalloped potatoes (because who doesn't love creamy potatoes and cheese?) and we all like carrots (with the exception of Little Man who eats ketchup and tomato sauce) and I even made sweet glazed carrots on PURPOSE! And I've been picking at it for three days and had to share it yesterday with the family while the kids ate what? Bertucci's leftovers. Come on!

So I've got a huge casserole of homemade macaroni and cheese and turkey dogs left and if they don't eat that, then I'm going to find a homeless and hungry person to cook for instead of these kids who only seem to want restaurant food. Come on!

It's not that they are particularly picky. I would say in the grand scheme of things, my kids are pretty good about eating, for the most part... I think they do it on purpose. It's one plot amongst the many that they have to slowly and surely exhaust me and drive me completely bats... I'm kidding. But it is annoying.

Hanging on until Friday. Sometimes it feels like all I do is wait for my husband to return... That and cook food no one wants to eat.

Stay cool, My Friends.

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