Thursday, August 2, 2012

On Laundry... And Other Things

I've figured out why children's laundry is so endless. Maybe others have come to this conclusion faster than I did, but I've had my epiphany concerning it recently. A laundry basket filled with adult sized clothing has a couple of shirts and pants and maybe a few other things and that's about it. Whip it about and in no time, pretty little orderly stacks of clothing. With baskets of child things however, it's because they are sooooo small there is infinitely more items in the basket. And did I mention they are small? So the sock matching for three separate little pairs of feet alone is enough to drive anyone mad as a hatter (which is why I love the barefooted-ness that summer provides, although loathe the heat). So, that's what I figured out. Also, even when my husband is gone on trips, I still seem to find articles of his clothing hidden throughout the laundry. So, even in his absence, I find myself still responsible for an extra clothing pile. I don't know how this is even possible, but it is. 

So, we are heading into another week on Trip Mode. My husband is washing up and getting ready to go and my son is, as I type this, in the bathroom sitting on the bathmat next to the tub chattering away to his Daddy. He is supposed to be quiet in bed with a book until he falls asleep, but I haven't the heart to insist he go to bed at the moment. I'm sure he misses his Daddy when he is gone. His only other male companion in the house is the dog... and the dog isn't overly fond of him as he is a bit rough and chases after him banging on drums and waves his snacks in front of his little pug nose and then jets off in the opposite direction never intending to share in the first place. Another reason I am looking forward to school because the distractions it provides with friends and fun and projects and what not definitely help make the time between the home-stays go faster. 

It will be here before I know it. I am just so glad to have made it through July in one piece. So, here we go again, for now anyway...

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